Practice Areas
About Me
Mr. Emmanuel Mumia joined the law firm of MG Law advocates in 2013 where he successfully undertook his articles of pupilage and was consequently retained as an associate advocate in the firm upon admission to the Bar in 2015. He was appointed partner in May 2018 and is tasked with heading the Litigation, Dispute Resolution and Recoveries Department. His other areas of specialization include;
Contract law
General Commercial law
General Banking law & Bank securities
Conveyancing & Real Estate law
Property law
Employment law
Retirement benefits law
Intellectual Property
Emmanuel is a personable, persuasive and charismatic individual. He is a good boardroom negotiator and an impeccable courtroom performer with exceptional presentation skills and a knack for drawing reasonable & logical legal conclusions from case arguments.
Emmanuel loves his books! He draws inspiration from the Bible and philosophy books that constantly enable him understand the philosophies and social foundations of law. He was highly intrigued by the alchemy of law and philosophy as a first year law student when he read the book, “The concept of law “by Professor H.L.A Hart and hence took a keen interest in the Hart-Fuller debate on morality and law (published in the Harvard Law Review, 1958) which demonstrated a clear divide between the positivist and natural law philosophy, consequently he subscribes to the positivist school of thought!
When not practicing Law Emmanuel is involved in activities of public interest such us providing legal aid, in addition he is an active member of the St John’s ambulance. He also enjoys participating in various sporting activities and is currently learning Golf.
His mantra is based on Aristotle who once quipped that “at his best man is the noblest of all animals, separated from the law and justice he is the worst “accordingly he strives to master the law in a manner that undoubtedly ensures that justice is achieved at all times.